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What Fresh Hell

In this conversation, Janice explains how we can embolden both our daughters and our sons to find their passions– but only by finding our own passions first. Janice argues that change-making is the path to true joy.   Source: What…

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live above the noise podcast

Above the Noise Podcast

In Episode 33, Wayne and Rob talk with renowned sociologist and activist, Dr. Janice Johnson Dias. Dr. Johnson Dias is the author of the important new book, “PARENT LIKE IT MATTERS: How to Raise Joyful, Change-Making Girls”. She’s the co-creator of the GrassROOTS Community…

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J.ILL the Podcast


The relationships children have with their mothers are so diverse and dynamic. But many of us expect our mothers to be our provider, our teacher, our savior, and our source of comfort. When we are naive, growing children, it's hard…

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GoodKids Lemonada Media

Good Kids Podcast

I’m Dr. Janice Johnson Dias, and you’re listening to GOOD KIDS. I am a sociologist and a philanthropist and a mom. And I’m going to talk to you about how you can find your own joy in order to move…

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Spawned Parenting Podcast with Kristen and Liz of CoolMomPicks

Cool Mom Picks Podcast

"Fair warning: This episode may really make you miss your IRL get togethers with your favorite mom friends, because that is exactly what this conversation with Dr. Janice Johnson Dias feels like. We knew that talking to Janice would be helpful, but…

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